Workshop On Café Meals - Online N Offline

 Light food, which you can enjoy any time of the day. For breakfast, lunch, dinner, or as an in-between snack make something different yet so  tasty that soon it will be part of your favorite recipes

Date:  28th Aug Saturday 2024
To register call / sms 9766622662
Timing 1:00 pm  to 4:30 p.m                      
Fee Online ₹ 900     
      Offline ₹1000

The following recipes will be Demonstrated
  • Quiche
  • Veg gold coin
  • Mélange of Sun Dried n fresh tomato Brochettes
  • Jacket Potatoes
  • Grilled Basil N Cheese Macroni  
  • Kaai Chi Tofu 
  • Grilled Foot Longs
  • Mongolian Dip

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