Crisp on the outside, tender within and soothingly buttery throughout, the classic croissant appeals wonderfully to the senses. Believe it or not, you don’t need any thing fancy to get the perfect recipe which is easy enough to replicate at home and get great results... Take on the perfect technique with all the trips and tricks in this workshop and learn in simple step-by-step method to make the croissant dough into delicious sweet and savory pastries.
Date: 20th January Monday 2020
Time: 11:00am to 2:30pm
Fees: Rs3000-
To Register call / sms to 9766622662
The Following will be made by students on that day
Making of the basic Croissants that is the Danish pastry Dough
Classic Plain Croissants
Chocolate Croissants

Cheese N Onion Croissants
Danish Pastry shapes:
The Square
The Star
The Braid
The Pinwheel
The Swirl
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